Constipation is not a disease, it is a symptom, which affects almost 25% of the world’s population, especially children, women and the elderly. Those who are constipated, find it difficult to pass their bowels regularly and very often they pass them, even lesser than three times a week.
The stool is often hard and dry, causing pain and discomfort during defecation. In fact, most people suffer from constipation at some point in their life. The most affected are women, children and the elderly.
Constipation can reduce work productivity, interfere with daily activities, lead to the high cost of health care and significantly impact the quality of life. It is not something that people like to talk about, but they suffer it in silence. Constipation can also cause stress, low moods, fatigue and weight gain.

The most important reason for constipation is a poor diet with insufficient quantities of fibre found in nuts, fruits and vegetables. Drinking too less water and being overburdened by stress can also result in constipation. Lack of physical activity, and use of medicines and drugs are other reasons for constipation.
1. TOXIN PRODUCTION – The longer food remains in the intestine; more chances are that toxins ingested with the food will be absorbed by the body. The harmful bacteria will feed on the undigested food and produce toxins and harmful substances including gas, causing bloating of the stomach.
2. TIREDNESS AND FATIGUE –Constipation and Fatigue go hand in hand – constipation results in an increase in harmful bacteria, that decrease the absorption of essential nutrients which are needed for growth and energy. This leaves you feeling tired and lethargic.
3. INCREASE IN WEIGHT – An imbalance in the intestinal flora has been linked to obesity or weight gain. Constipation results in accumulation of hormones like oestrogen, which are then reabsorbed by the body. An increase in oestrogen levels in the body, can also cause weight gain.
4. SKIN PROBLEMS – When toxins and waste material are not thrown out of the body, but reabsorbed, they can damage the skin, resulting in pimples and acne. Outside beauty is determined by Inside beauty. Ensure regular bowel movements to look beautiful inside out.
5. WEAK IMMUNITY – More than 70 % of the body’s immunity is located in the intestine – an increase in harmful bacteria, toxins and inflammation can negatively impact the immune system and increase the risk of infections.
6. ANXIETY AND DEPRESSION – Recent studies have shown that anxiety and depression could also be caused by an increase in harmful bacteria in the intestine and may sometimes be the reason for your low mood and depression.
Follow the four simple D’s to get some relief from constipation.
1. Don’t junk your diet – Eat more fruits, vegetables and less fried fat-laden foods. Bulk up on fibre and say No to constipation.
2. Drink lots of water – Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water every day to stimulate the movement of the intestine so that the bowels can pass out of the intestine smoothly and very easily.
3. Do more exercise – Exercise regularly to soothe and tone up your muscles and increase bowel movement.
4. Do include probiotics as a part of your daily diet – increase the good bacteria in the intestine and decrease harmful bacteria, which slows the movement of the intestine, and causes constipation.
Probiotics can reduce transit time and stimulate the movement of the intestine to throw out waste more easily and quickly.
Yakult Smoothie Recipe – Great for Constipation
1. Two bottles of Yakult Light
2. A handful of nuts – finely chopped
3. 1/4th Apple – finely cut
4. 1/4th Guava – finely cut
5. Two figs – finely chopped
6. Two dates – Finely chopped
- Method Pour the two bottles of Yakult Light into the Mixie jar. Add all the other ingredients slowly and blend. Once the mixture becomes smooth and consistent, pour it into a glass. Serve cold.