Long drives, gusty winds, jumping in puddles and enjoying savouries, can be anybody’s longing desire, to enjoy the monsoon. However, our body is more vulnerable to infections, during the monsoons. Water borne diseases like diarrhoea, food poisoning and viral infections like common cold, cough and allergies, can ruin your day and spoil the fun. Not … Continue reading “Our Monsoon Diet – What to eat and why?”

How do Probiotics Help to Boost Mood and Cognitive Function?
April 29, 2024
For the last few years, I have been writing blogs on the gut, and its relation to gut related disorders. This time I am doing something different. I am going to talk about the connection of the gut with the brain. The idea that there is a link between the gut and the brain is … Continue reading “How do Probiotics Help to Boost Mood and Cognitive Function?”

Do you want to SPRING Clean your GUT
March 8, 2024
As the winter months slide by, and we spring into warmer temperature, there is excitement and happiness in the air. It means we can spend more time outdoors, without the need for warm winter clothes. Yet again, it is time for walks, physical activity, and fun. Suddenly there is laughter all around and people are … Continue reading “Do you want to SPRING Clean your GUT”

Healthy Habits to Boost your Immunity this Winter
December 28, 2023
With changing seasons and the onset of winter, our greatest concern is to stay protected and avoid falling sick, which is not only disturbing, but can take away the happiness and fun of the holiday season. It is therefore important to strengthen your immunity to prevent infection. Warm winter clothes definitely help us fight the … Continue reading “Healthy Habits to Boost your Immunity this Winter”

Is taking Probiotics during Pregnancy Safe?
November 20, 2023
We have all heard the saying “We are what we eat”. Good nutrition is important in all stages of life and even more during pregnancy, because it affects both the mother and the child. Studies have shown that the food a mother consumes during pregnancy, can influence the baby’s growth and development, throughout life. During … Continue reading “Is taking Probiotics during Pregnancy Safe?”

Pink October Breast Cancer Awareness Month – Lets pledge to Stay Healthy, stay Active and Take care of our Breasts.
October 12, 2023
October month is dedicated to a significant cause that affects the lives of millions of people around the world. This is the time when communities come together, and individuals proudly wear pink to signify their support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Why is it called Pink October? Since the nineties, October has been celebrated as … Continue reading “Pink October Breast Cancer Awareness Month – Lets pledge to Stay Healthy, stay Active and Take care of our Breasts.”

The Triple Connection – Nutrition, Gut Health and Probiotics
September 23, 2023
The month of September is celebrated as the Rashtriya Poshan Maah or National Nutrition month in India. Many people in our country do not get enough nutrition and are weak and unhealthy. This is observed more commonly in children (under 5 years) and women. Therefore, it is important that they get all the foods which … Continue reading “The Triple Connection – Nutrition, Gut Health and Probiotics”

Probiotic Awareness Day for School Children – Anand Gujarat
August 14, 2023
SMC College of Dairy Science, Kamdhenu University, Gujarat, in association with the Gut Microbiota and Probiotic Science Foundation (India) and Swedish South Asian Network on Fermented foods organized the “PROBIOTIC AWARENESS DAY”- an awareness program and competition for school children on 25th July 2023. World over people are beginning to recognize the importance of gut … Continue reading “Probiotic Awareness Day for School Children – Anand Gujarat”

Lesser-known facts about the Gut-Brain Connection
June 22, 2023
Are you aware of the incredible connection between your gut and brain? It’s not just a physical connection but also an intricate communication network that influences our overall health. This is where probiotics come in – they play a vital role in maintaining good gut health, ultimately benefiting our mental well-being. In this blog post, … Continue reading “Lesser-known facts about the Gut-Brain Connection”

Prevent Constipation with a healthy diet, exercise and probiotics
April 12, 2023
Constipation is not a disease, but those who are constipated are extremely uncomfortable and not happy with their quality of life. This affects women, children and elderly. It can also cause stress, low moods, fatigue and weight gain. When food remains for a long time in the intestine, the toxins or harmful substances are absorbed … Continue reading “Prevent Constipation with a healthy diet, exercise and probiotics”